Giving Tuesday started in 2012 that encouraged people to do good things to help in the community. Since then, it has grown into a yearly movement that inspires people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. While Giving Tuesday is only one day, it’s also the official kickoff to the year-end giving season. This year will be the first time the Two Rivers Historical Society will be participating in Giving Tuesday.
A matching funds opportunity of up to $6,000 was offered to us by a generous board member together with Thrivent in honor of Giving Tuesday. The Historical Society will use the funds raised for projects, some big, some small, that are needed at the Washington House and Farm Museum.
Here are a few examples from the list of many: update music room flooring to a material that complements the historic building, install LED lighting in exhibits to highlight the museum collections, concrete sections along our foundation and in the basement, and replace five small windows.
We hope you will help us on Giving Tuesday. Remember, anything you give, doubles! If you give $5, it automatically gets a $5 match by our generous board member with Thrivent, so the Historical Society would be receiving $10. What an awesome way to make improvements to our 174 year old building! Give Generously!